i was informed today that three copies
of my old 1994 cd are for sale on amazon.
The top shot of me was taken from outside the window at
zoey's coffee house (now defunct) on avenue b. about thirteen or fourteen years ago. the lower left shot: that's me playing a coffee house at baylor way back in 1991. i don't remember why i would've played bongos on a song. then, on the lower right, that's my friend chris taylor striking a pose with me (in chris' hat) playing harmonica near wacky's cantina probably in '92 or '93. i think my friend dan strader took that last one.
Dan Straeder as in Darlene & TA's son? Darlene just told me the funniest story about Dan running away from home when he was 2.
Posted by: Chelsea | Tuesday, March 11, 2008 at 12:29 PM
yes, that Dan Strader. :)
He's still in Romania.
Posted by: paul | Tuesday, March 11, 2008 at 01:04 PM
A friend gave me that CD back in '99 or '00. Anyway, I still listen to it once in awhile and I have it on my hard drive. Some great lyrics.
We're recording a CD right now with Tony Franckowiak and I mentioned your name and Chris's. He remembers you guys very fondly. I met Chris Taylor a while back by chance in the mall soon after he left Love Coma. We should all get together and jam sometime!
Posted by: Adam Hockley | Tuesday, September 23, 2008 at 12:29 PM
cool! tell Franckowiak i said hi. I really liked working with him; would love to again, one of these days.
thanks for listening to acoustic coffee. funny, i hadn't thought about that CD in months and last night on Shuffle, the instrumental version of the title cut came on.
made me miss playing guitar in the studio with matt slocum and john potts.
Posted by: paul | Tuesday, September 23, 2008 at 12:43 PM